Echo Lost

A puzzle platforming game featuring Koko, a flightless bat that uses echolocation to find their way around.


Echo Lost puts the player in the role of Koko, a flightless bat trying to find their way home. The player utilizes Koko's echolocation to solve puzzles by flipping levers, traverse the cave and ultimately exit.


Engine: Unity (2D)
Programming Language: C#
Role: Programmer, Designer, Composer
Available to play at


  • Came up with initial concept for echolocation game
  • Implemented echolocation mechanic
  • Integrated character sprites and mapped character animations to movement
  • Composed title screen music

The Process

A few friends and I got together to make a game for Global Game Jam 2021 over a 72-hour period where the theme was "Lost and Found." I'd had an idea about an echolocation game for a while and pitched it to my friends who loved it. Together, we designed the simple puzzle mechanics and went ahead to implement them in Unity. As most of us were programmers, we split up the non-programming work amongst ourselves, so I used the composing software Bosca Ceoil to compose the music for the game. On the final day of development, a trailer was made for the game and presented to the Boston Global Game Jam site.