Noise Complaint

A chaotic game where the player's goal is to ruin a loud party happening next door.


Noise Complaint is a 3D simulation game in which the player is woken up in the middle of the night to a loud party next door, and the goal is to stop the party before the cops arrive to arrest you for trespassing. The game features a list of tasks for the player to do in order to disrupt the party, and depending on how many tasks the player completes, the player will get different endings in which they get varying amounts of sleep.


Engine: Unity (3D)
Programming Language: C#
Role: Programmer, Designer
Available to play/download at


  • Integrated 3D models and animations into NPCs
  • Developed character AI using finite-state machines
  • Collaboratively implemented player's tasks
  • Implemented UI, title screen and pause menu

The Process

This game was developed over the course of a week for a class-run game jam where the theme was "Silence." My group of 4 interpreted this as silence being the goal of the game, and took the first day to design the mechanics and goals for the game. We then split off into separate tasks where I would tackle the NPC AI and interactive UI, being the pause menu and title screen. Once I had finished those tasks, I contributed to developing the tasks/gameplay goals for the player. Our group finished just before midnight of the week deadline.