Numeral Operation

A puzzle game where adding and subtracting is the name of the game.


Numeral Operation is a single-player puzzle game, where, in order to advance through the game, the player absorbs and then disperses other characters from themselves to add and subtract from their number. The player can utilize that mechanism of adding and subtracting to activate pressure plates, push heavy objects, and access elements that were previously hidden. The player wins the game by solving all of the puzzles.


Engine: Unity (2D)
Programming Language: C#
Role: Programmer, Designer, Artist
Available to download at


  • Designed and implemented character absorption and dispersion
  • Implemented character movement
  • Implemented pressure plate, selective door, and weighted crate puzzle elements
  • Created and integrated pixel art assets
  • Created main menu background and implemented UI

The Process

Numeral Operation was developed over the course of 36 hours during the final stretch of the 2021 Brackeys Game Jam. Due other school-related obligations, I started the jam in the final days of its runtime. After starting, I came up with a basic puzzle concept that fit the jam's theme, "Stronger Together," and rapid prototyped features in a graybox scene. After implementing the mechanics, I developed the pixel art assets in while a friend offered to work on a simple music loop for the game. Numeral Operation was submitted with 2 hours left to spare.